Steve Saklad (Hartsdale, NY) - 241,900
Day 1B - Chip Leader
Day 1B - Chip Leader
Place......Player.................Chip Count
1. Steve Saklad..................... 241,900
2. Shiraz Hasan................... 224,500
3. Nick Petrangelo............... 193,000
4. Brian Hak........................ 186,200
5. Omar Smeed.................... 179,300
6. Jonathan Benster............ 177,100
7. Louis Lazzinnaro............. 172,000
8. Nick Bennett.................... 159,509
9. Ruslan Dykshteyn............ 157,100
10. Phong "VIP" Nugyen...... 144,700
11. Larry Abrams................... 144,200
12. William Parker................ 138,700
13. Rob Anderson.................. 135,500
14. Brian England.................. 130,800
15. Rocco Luciano.................. 126,500
16. Roslyn Quarto................... 125,800
17. Ian Palomo........................ 125,700
18. Jerry Payne....................... 124,800
19. Francis Cipriano................ 124,600
20. Mike Meskin...................... 124,200
21. Neville Darrell.................... 119,000
22. Cliff Josephy....................... 112,600
23. Paul Spitzberg..................... 107,000
24. Zhu Yue............................... 105,800
25. Robert Aaronson................. 105,200
26. Ali Tabatabai....................... 104,100
As the tournament closed out for the day it was a battle between Shiraz Hasan and Steve Saklad but nobody knew it. We all thought Shiraz had the 3K locked up. Apparently at the buzzer Steve sneaked across the finish line with the win.
"I'm excited to be freerolling however realize we still have a long way to go for potentially a big payday" said Steve Saklab.
Check back after 9am for all 172 Player chip counts for those finishing today.
Tomorrow at noon in the Signature Room, 54 from Day 1A will combine with 172 from Day 1B giving us 226 total players.
Also check back after 9am for seat assignments.
Have a great night!